Free Estimate Request
To insure the highest quality result, please follow our art submission guidelines. Please call or e-mail with any questions or concerns.
We require all artwork to be created in a vector based program and sent to us in original vector/layer format. Artwork can either be emailed to or uploaded after logging in. If clients do not have vector artwork, then we can accept the following:
- Print ready pdf/jpeg with a minimum of 300 dpi (i.e. the artwork must be sized to how they want it on the shirt and saved in black on a white background. If it is a multicolor job, they must have each color separated in a separate file with associated PMS numbers). If you are sending a multicolored vector artwork, each color must be in black and separated into its own layer for proper color separations.
- Our graphic designer can redraw it for a fee of $55/hour
- If you would like specific PMS color matching, we would need the PMS number you require and can match it at a fee of $35. If you do not specify a PMS number, we will match the color as best as possible to how it appears on screen. Although every effort is made to insure accuracy, a perfect match cannot be guaranteed.
- Artwork is sized proportionally by the width to industry standards based on full chest/back, left chest, sleeve, leg etc. dimensions (10 inches across for full front and back, 3-4 inches for left/right chest, and 3.5 inches for sleeve/leg prints). If the artwork is already sized to these dimensions and no mention of sizing is specified, this size will be kept. If you require specific size dimensions, please specify them before placing the order.
- Please outline all artwork and save it in CS2 or CS3 format.
Acceptable photo/raster file types: Minimum 120 dpi/ppi at final print size.
- Photoshop (.psd)
- Jpeg (.jpg)
- Tiff (.tif)
- Pdf (.pdf)
- Eps (.eps)
Acceptable vector file types:
- Illustrator (.ai)
- Eps (.eps)
- Pdf (.pdf)
Please do not submit Microsoft Office documents, screen grabs, or jpeg thumbnails. |